Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's Finally, Winter and a Freebie!

This winter has been strange!  At this point last year, we had several snow days.  It was great.  I loved those snow days. I had a very difficult class last year and it was great to recharge my batteries.  However, this year we've had NO snow days.  We really haven't had any snow at all.  Last night we got an ice storm and I'm loving the fact I have nowhere to go today and I get to be BFFs with my laptop and pjs.  However, next week we're supposed to be in the upper 40s and 50s.  So this winter weather is short lived.

In the spirit of my excitement, I created a freebie for you. :)
One of my favorite strategies for my students to use for addition and subtraction is an open number line.  Which you can see on this strategy chart.

Open number lines, or even counting up, requires my students to quickly recall what is ten more or ten less than a number.  We've been doing some type of ten more, ten less, one more, one less activity for our centers since school began and it's allowed my second graders to really visualize the 100s chart and be very successful with open number lines and counting up strategies.

My kids LOVE math center time, I mean love it.  They love if they're the few chosen to work with me or if they are playing a game/reinforcing a math concept with a partner.  So I created "Swinging Around the 100s Chart" for our next rotation of centers.

Since we are quickly approaching the 100th day of school, and I created some numbers to go along with the 200s chart, so students could practice ten more, ten less, one more, one less with numbers bigger than 100.

If you'd like your own free copy, then click {here} to head over to my Teacher's Pay Teachers store to pick up your own copy for free! I just ask if you download a copy that you follow my Teacher's Pay Teacher's Store or leave some feedback about Swinging Around the 100s Chart on its product page. ;)

Enjoy your Saturday, stay warm friends!  I'd also love for you to check out my post about homework and let me know your routine.  I currently switched up my routine, but I'd love to hear what other do to keep ideas in mind for next year!


  1. I love these ideas! So many kids have no number sense when counting forward and backward by 10! Thanks for sharing!

    Ginger Snaps

  2. We're having the same weathe! Last year at this time, we had 5 snow days under our belt. Today is our first actual snow since October (that was weird too). And it's supposed to be in the 50s on Monday. Crazy. I hate cold weather and snow though, so I'm okay with it! Your monkeys are so cute!

    Sara :)

    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. I love the open number line. I hope by the time my kids get to 2nd that it's a piece of cake for them.

    Forever in First

  4. I like this idea. I think it might help some of my struggling students. I am downloading it as we speak! :) Happy Saturday! Oh and I am adding your button to my blog! You have such great ideas!

  5. Thanks for the great hundreds chart freebie! I love it! I used your Addition & Subtraction Scoot yesterday and the kids loved it- Thank you! My PJs and laptops are my BBFs today too! :-) Have a great day!!!

  6. Is this item no longer available? I'd really love it.

  7. Do you not have this on yout TPT site anymore? I can't find it :(

  8. I looked for it too but couldn't find it. Is it available in one of your packs?

  9. Is this available somewhere? I'd buy it!

  10. Also looking for this! Would be perfect for my math tubs!

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