Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Click Clack Moo Leveled Readers Freebie

My district uses the Treasures reading program and it can be a love/hate relationship at times.  However, this week, I am loving it as the comprehension skill and the story actually align very well.  Tonight I'm sharing with you the set of graphic organizers I designed to use in my small groups this week.  Not only does this freebie help my students practice our weekly comprehension skill, it also helps me structure and organize my small groups more effectively.  Double win!

Click here to download your FREE copy.

I also found out the hard way this year when blog surfing, apparently the leveled readers that accompany each of the stories in Treasures can vary.  So if you plan on using this with your class, please read over the story titles, located in the top right hand corner of each page, carefully!
If you download, please let me a comment below, just so I can get an idea of how many teacher friends might be able to benefit from a resource like this. :)

We did several FUN science experiments as part of our winter unit today and my kiddos are so jazzed to make their own snowflakes covered in snow paint on Friday.  I can't wait to share the recap of the fun we've been having with you soon! 


  1. We are doing Click Clack Moo this week. This is perfect. I am so happy to have found your blog! This is my first year teacher and Treasures resources are truly a "treasure" to find. :) Thank you again!!

  2. Thank you so much! I will be putting this in my file for next year. I love finding Treasures resources and yours look truly USEFUL!

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