Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reading Response Questions for Any Book {freebie}

Hiya friends! I'm not posting on my own blog today.  Amber was sweet enough to feature me as part of her Summer Spotlight Series. :)  
Over on her blog, I shared my reader's response notebooks for my student's independent reading and a special freebie that I use to help pull it all together. 
Click on Amber's button to check out my guest post! :) 
Hope to see y'all over there! :)


  1. Thank you for sharing the reader's response questions!!

  2. I LOVE your blog! I can't wait to have your "Getting to Know You" pages out on desks when my new fourth graders walk into my classroom for the first time! I'll be sure to keep following for more great ideas. I've nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger" Award! Please stop by my blog to pick it up! :)

    - Sarah

  3. Wow! Thank you for the great freebie - I love it!

    Craft of Teaching

  4. Its been pretty important for the students to regard about every possible detail as it will give better answer to such details. paraphrase text online

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  6. "

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