Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday Made It...on a Tuesday!

Hello friends! I'm so excited to link up again with Tara for Monday Made It! 
Although, I'm a little tardy to the party. :) My dad's retirement party was this weekend and we had a lot of family in town visiting.  My dad's party was wonderful, and was such a tribute to his thirty-six years in the fire service.  If you can't tell, I'm just a little proud. :)

For my Monday made it, I created my learning objectives board for the front of my room. :) Here was my inspiration.

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

I tried and tried to find the original source for my inspiration, but it appears as it was probably uploaded by a user rather than pinned from a blog or website. 

I loved the idea of using frames, but decided not to because next year we are transitioning to the common core, and I don't know what our expectations will be for posting objectives.  If we have to post the actual objective than I'll just purchase this from Courtney and display them in a pocket chart, and then I'll have six random frames laying around. For now, we aren't required to post objectives, but the rest of my new fourth grade team posts I Can Statements for the week, and I loved that idea.  I'm all about making our learning visible, public, and permanent (love Debbie Miller) and thought posting I Can Statements would be a great addition to our classroom.  

Instead of using frames, I used these dry erase sleeves that I picked up at Target. 
I purchased enough for each subject I teach, and also purchased some polka dot cardstock and brads at Michaels.  

I'm planning on stringing the sleeves together like so with some ribbon for a pop of color. 
I will hang the two rows of objectives with clothespin magnets from the board in the front of my room, next to my Smartboard.  Or I might hang each one up individually with a loop and a clothespin magnet. That will be decided once I am able to get back in my room and see what stays put the best. :)

I'm sorry that the photo quality isn't the best, I played with the white balances on my camera awhile ago, and the pictures it takes haven't been the same since.  Even after I reset it to factory settings. :(

Oh, the closing date was scheduled for my house.  It's on a what was already a big day for me.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
The FIRST DAY of school! At first I was like "are you kidding me?" when the title company called me to schedule the appointment. Luckily, it's scheduled after school, but when you teach until 4:00, the time isn't that far after school either.  The movers are scheduled to come the very next day.  So as soon as I hit publish, I'm off to purge in my home office some more. :)

Also, I'm participating in Lacy of Wild About Teaching's 500 Follower Giveaway! Click on her blog button to enter to win some GREAT prizes! :)
wild about teaching!


  1. I love those dry erase pockets! Very cute! I have tried finding them at our local Target, but they didn't have any.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Never too late to link up:) I love your spin on the objectives boards....I am worried mine may not stay in place due to weight....hmmmm. I picked up some of those sleeves today to make something else:) Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I love the dry erase pocket idea over frames! I just haven't found them yet. Need to check out a couple more Targets.
    The Idea Backpack

  4. I love this idea! I am required to have them posted daily and refer to them many times in a lesson, especially if I am being observed for ESL. I do not mind doing it, I just haven't found a way that I really like and is easy. Who can save a million sentence strips for each standard? Especially when I have to do a language objective for each subject for ESL also! I may be trying this!

  5. I really need to find those pouches - hopefully my Target has some!
    Congrats on your new house!

  6. That is a great idea instead of frames. I'll have to go hunting for those dry erase pockets. My local Target was out of them already! :(
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. Great idea!!! I haven't seen the dry erase pockets at any of my Targets!! Maybe they will re-stock..?? :)

  8. I started using the pouches mid-year last year for my weekly strategy posters. It's so nice to just be able to change them out! I loved how you used the ribbon with them. Super-cute! Btw, I gave you a blog award. :) You can go to my blog to get it! :) http://permanentlyprimary.blogspot.com/

  9. You're Awesome!!http://fcsandthensome.blogspot.com/2012/07/versitile-blogger.html

  10. I love reading your wonderful blog. There's lots of great info here. I am nominating you for The Versatile Blogger and The One Lovely Blog Award. Visit my site to collect!


  11. If you can't find the pockets, wouldn't just plain 'ole page protectors work? of course, they will not be as pretty as these with the colored sides, but you could either use some ribbon or decorative duct tape to fancy them right up. The paper would slide in just like these... I don't know how easily the write on wipe off effect is... anyone??!!?? If not so easy, a magic eraser works perfectly. Another option is laminated cardstock. It has a write-on-wipe-off capability as well.
    Of course, these are fabulous, and I will be piggy-backing to do something like it in my own classrom! Thanks for the wonderful idea!

  12. Love the idea! I may have to visit Target today!
    I just found your blog & I am your newest follower.
    Stop by sometime.

  13. What a great idea! It seems a lot easier than the frames! I like it!!! Once I kick into back to school mode (I'm in full blown summer mode right now :) I'll have to create these! :-)

  14. Hi! I've awarded you with a blog award! Come on by to pick it up!!

    The Versatile Blog Award

    A Day in First Grade

  15. I love the object, idea, I hope you post a picture after you put them up. Thanks for sharing.


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