Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day Sale....Buy Two, Get One Free

Happy Tax Day! My husband and I did our taxes ages ago, so thankfully we are not running around trying to get them finished this weekend! 

Lots of TpT sellers are throwing Tax Day sales and I am getting in on the fun too! Many thanks to Hadar for the idea and Rachelle for the super cute picture!
All non math items in my store are 15% off and all math related items are still 50% off until the end of the day today!
I'm also sweetening the deal.  For every two items you purchase at my store, you'll get one for free. :)  Once you've purchased two items at either one of my stores, just shoot me an email at storiesfromsecond at gmail dot com and I'll email you the file you'd like for free. :)
I'm so excited about this sale!  Our school gets out really early this year and the Teacher Appreciation Week sale is literally only a few days before our school lets out for the summer.  I can't wait to pick up a few items I've had my eye to finish out the year!

Click on the icons below to check out my Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook stores.  I will be running the 15%/50% sale at both stores this weekend!

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd - Reading Strategies, Basic Operations -


  1. Wow! You get out early this year!!! Lucky!!! :) We don't get out until June 22 :-/ It seems like a long ways away.... Thanks for the sales!!!

  2. It is comprehensive and before TurboTax it took me a full week to prepareour taxreturns. WIth TurboTax it takes an evening.


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