Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful For My Fellow Bloggers Linky Party

Well hello! Sorry it's been so long between my posts.  I've been battling a horrible sinus infection for the past few weeks that has totally drained my energy and my voice.  I'm finally on the up and up, and am so excited to link up with Stephanie's Thankful for Blogging Link Up!

I first discovered blogs last year when I changed grade levels unexpectedly.  I went from teaching third grade, my grade level home for my first four years of teaching, next door to one of my very best friends, Hey DD1! :), to being assigned to a new grade level/school a week before school started.

It was so hard, I mean SO HARDWhile my new grade level was great at sharing resources, they weren't always electronic and weren't always aligned with my teaching styleThe day I discovered Courtney's blog, I think I literally squealed! :)
Not only did she have some awesome packets aligned with Treasures, the reading series I use, she offers tons of freebies on her blog that saved me time and time again last year during my year in second grade. 

Also, a life saver during my year in second grade with her awesome math products and fantastic freebies? 

 This year I'm in a new grade level again and it's been so much easier adapting with the help of these lovely ladies. :)
Teaching with Blonde Ambition
Blogging has also opened the door for some really awesome friendships for me.  I've developed some wonderful relationships with so many wonderful bloggers who have send me sweet emails when I've been absent for awhile, have shared their newest products with me to use with my kiddos, or have just lent a listening ear for any personal/professional rants I might have. It's hard to single out my wonderful blogging buds, but these three ladies are so special to me! :)
Soaring Through Second
Permanently Primary
Blogging and TpT have transformed my teaching and my classroom, and I'm just so so so thankful for all you who share their ideas and talents so freely! I know my classroom is greatly enriched because of all of you!  

I'm off to cuddle on the couch with my sweet pup and finalize my plans for tomorrow! :)  If you are already off, lucky, if not...we're so close! :)


  1. Aaaawwwww! You're so sweet! Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!!! I am so thankful for you!!!!! :-)

  2. Thank you so much for linking up! I love your list of bloggers..some of which are new to me. Thank you for introducing them :)

    Teaching in Room 6

  3. Thanks for the shout out Lisa!! I have bronchitis so I feel ya in the sick dept.:( No fun and don't feel like doing a whole lot:/ Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. I am thankful for YOU and your inspiring work ethic! (If I didn't know how much coffee you were runnign on, I would think you were an alien!) You are amazing and I love you dearly! -Your M.O.H.


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