Saturday, February 2, 2013

Giveaway winner and a SALE

Congratulations to cutie pie, Kate of Teacher to the Core, for winning my half of Jamie and I's giveaway! :)  Check your inbox soon! :) If you are tho sad that you didn't win, there is good news! I'm having a sale!

Thank you so much to the sweet Ashley Hughes for the graphic! So much of her clip art makes up my wish list for the sale! :) 

Everything in my Teachers Pay Teachers store will be 20% on SUNDAY and MONDAY. However, on SUNDAY, Teachers Pay Teachers will take an additional 10% off my already reduced items.  Meaning, you will save 28% off the original price of the item.  My store will still be on sale on Monday because well, I know I always forget to buy things on my first go round of purchasing on sale days. :) Click on the cheerleader below to head on over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. :)


My Teachers Notebook store is also on sale.  The sale there starts today and runs through tomorrow.  Everything there is 25% off. Click on the cheerleader to head on over! :)There is a glitch in the system, it's saying my items are only discounted 5%, but they really are 25% off.

A class I was scheduled to take today got cancelled due to snow, so happy I FINALLY got some type of snow day! :)

Have a GREAT weekend!


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