Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February Currently and my Brand New Look!

I am linking up with Farley for the first time in ages, it's been way too long, for February's Currently.  I know I'm a little tardy to the party, so I'm thankful she leaves the linky up all month for people like me. :) 

Oh! Notice anything new? My blog just got a HUGE redesign! I am so thankful that Kassie from Designs by Kassie took my vision and turned it into to something SO me. :)

So let's start the Currently party! :)

Listening: My husband LOVES Restaurant Impossible. Since I'm blogging, he gets to drive the remote.  

Loving: Obviously, I'm LOVING my new blog design! It's SO ME! :) I'm also loving that I had a snow day to recover from my last formal observation and my sweet dad showed up unannounced and cleaned off my very snowy driveway with his snow blower!

Thinking: We had a another snow day today.  We've had one five day week since going back after Christmas.  We are on snow day number seven here.  I've enjoyed the breaks but now I'm thinking enough is enough. I heard Opening Day is only fifty five days away, bring on baseball weather! #thiswinterhasbeeninsane #pleasecomespring

Wanting: Jason Aldean is playing at Great American Ballpark this summer with Flordia Georgia Line and my girl, Miranda Lambert. I told my hubs that tickets would be a great 30th birthday present. :)

Needing: To finish grading, it is never ending. #somanypapers #solittletime

Two Fibs and a Lie

1. This is one is actually TRUE! I am good friends with the aunt of one of my former students and her dad, my student's grandpa, introduced me to my husband. 
2. This one is FALSE.  The Cameo and I are not becoming fast friends.  The learning curve/process has been steep but I'm slowly getting there.  #babysteps 
3.  Another TRUTH! I LOVE the Olympics, one of my college friends is actually competing this year in Sochi! He's a member of the USA Bobsledding Team. :) 


  1. How cool to tell your students you know someone in the Olympics!! We've missed 7 snow days here in VA too -- it's making everything IMPOSSIBLE!! My hubby just asked by tonight how I was behind on grading with all the snow days...I explained if the students weren't there they couldn't take the assessments!! #teacherprobelms!! Love your blog design!! I'm your newest follower!

  2. I babysat for a little boy who grew up and competed in two Olympics! It does make the Olympics a lot more fun, doesn't it! I love your new design. We've had way too many snow days here in Michigan too!
    Owl Things First

  3. I just wanted to stop by and say how much I love your blog design:-)


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