Friday, August 24, 2012

Guest Post: Mary From Guided Math

Today, I have a real treat for you guys, a guest post from the Guide Math Guru herself, Mary of Guided Math!  Guided math is something I really can't wait to do with my fourth graders and I'm so happy Mary is sharing her knowledge and expertise with us today! :)

I am very excited to guest post today!  I'm Mary Mueller from Guided-Math.  I've been gearing up to go back to work and preparing for a straight grade this year... 4th grade!  No combination/split/multi-age class for me this year!  I love fourth graders.  They are maturing, developing great sense of humors and for the most part not hormonal yet.  They are eager to learn and still have that little kid fun side to them.

As you can imagine, being the Guided Math Guru (The GMG), I look forward to teaching my students a variety of math games to help with math facts.  Using math games in the classroom is a great, sneaky way to help students learn their math facts.  Most often the games I teach only utilize either playing cards or dice.  Simple.

I am sharing a three of my favorites that I teach during the first few weeks of Guided Math kick-off.

1.  Turn Over 10
The very first game I teach.  It is a basic addition game where students have to make combinations of 10.  Basic... but believe me... some intermediate students still don't have this down.

2.  Roll 1,000
This game can be modified to fit either addition or multiplication skills.  Students use dice and multiply and add to make totals of 1,000.

3.  Baby Snake
One of my most popular whole class games is called SNAKE.  I modified this whole class game for small group.  It follows along the same lines as SNAKE but works well in math groups.

I hope everyone has a great school year!  Good luck!


Thanks, Mary for sharing the links to all those wonderful games, I know my I can't wait to share them with my fourth graders! :)


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